Category taxonomy mapping

Better visibility of your products on marketplaces and price comparison websites

Yarabot will automatically match your categories with categories on price comparison websites and marketplaces, ensuring better visibility of your products and thus increasing their sales.


Questions? We've got answers!

Mapping your categories to categories on price comparison websites and marketplaces increases the visibility of your products and thus their sales.
Yarabot has a simple API that allows you to use the category mapping for other purposes. We will add any category tree from a search engine or marketplace on request.
Don't worry! After signing up, we will immediately credit your account with enough credits for a 14-day trial period. This gives you enough time to test everything without any commitment.

How much does category mapping cost?

Only successful mapping is billed. No monthly fees, no hidden fees.

Starting at

9.5 CZK

  • Check new categories daily and assign them
  • Find the corresponding category
  • Upload data to your webstore

Starting at

3.9 CZK

  • Check new categories daily and assign them
  • Find the corresponding category
  • Upload data to your webstore